Sunday, September 5, 2010

How Can I Stop Foreclosure?

How Can I Stop Foreclosure?

Here are some Ideas: American homeowners need to come together and scream out loud, “We’re not gonna take it!” through filing predatory lawsuits alleging fraud and demanding quiet title actions.
While there is quite a self-serving underground movement aimed at suppression, (think Deep, Deep Throat, the sequel), we still have, on our side, a little document called the United States Constitution which assures us that “Citizens of the United States shall not be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law.”
This is the biggest question we hear from Loan Audit Clients

So how do you find your own due process?
If you are a victim of the Loan Fraud and part of their conspiracy, follow my ten step war plan of engagement
(Specia lThanks to Iris Martin, Autor of Mortgage Wars For this)
1. Get out those dusty closing documents and peruse them; they actually make for fascinating reading. You will learn all sorts of facts that your mortgage broker and lender did not want you to know, as in how they committed mortgage fraud.
2. Check your credit rating. If you have fallen to the bottom of the class and your loan is fraudulent, there is hell to pay. Your lender has violated the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
3. Compare the current value of your home to the stated appraised value at your closing. If your value has dropped significantly, it may have been fraudulently inflated to increase the loan amount, so your broker and lender could reap higher fees. Again, a major no no.
4. Is your debt to income ratio was over 35%? Oops, they did it again. It is against the law to put borrowers into loans that they cannot pay back.
5. Does your income reported to the IRS match the income on your loan application? If not, check to see if your data was fudged and your signature was forged. This was a common practice which also happens to be a crime.
6. Go online and Google your lender’s 10K and 8K filings for the year that you signed your loan documents. See how your lender has gleefully bragged to its investors about how efficiently it securitized loans such as your own. Most lenders even go as far as to claim that no loans sold into pools were predatory in any way! (Think investor fraud.) And don’t get me started on the accounting firms who certified these blatant lies. Or the credit rating agencies who stepped up to the plate with inflated ratings and outstretched palms.
7. Get a Forensic Loan Audit. It is the first step in building a winning lawsuit. We provide State of the art, comprehensive Forensic Loan Audits
8. Get a qualified attorney to file your “Qualified Written Requests” and your legal complaint. We have access to some of the best ones in the country who will not rip you off. No point in jumping from predatory lending to predatory lawyer.
9. Demand your loan be extinguished or Rescinded. After you have been defrauded, it is your legal right to demand that the predators be held accountable. Toward that end, don’t waste time attempting to modify a securitized loan. Go right for the jugular, just as your lender has.
10. Break out the champagne. You have tamed the wolf. Maybe in time, you can transform him into a lovable canine companion, maybe a Wall Street born-again Marley.
Stand up for yourself. Don’t fall for the media’s pre-emptive attacks on your character. An examination of recent history paints an entirely different picture of a conspiracy of politicians, regulators, investment bankers, mortgage brokers and nominal lenders that would do anything — including bankrupting the country and the globe — to profit from the derivatives explosion.
Get your Loan Audit, Get Informed Know your homeowner legal rights, and Get Help. It’s time for this karmic cycle to reverse and for homeowners to take back their American dream, one lawsuit at a time. It’s time to Stop Illegal Foreclosures

1 comment:

  1. Great posting.. I am going to put a link to it on my referral page. AWESOME information and so true. Everyone shoudl get an audit. AND should get certified copies of everything in the recorders office. :)
